Occupation Classification

Woodworking Industrial Engineering is in the Scope of International Occupational Classification

ISCO-08 (International Standard Classification of Occupations) is an international document "prepared to define and present occupational information in order to enable international comparison of occupational information" published by the International Labor Organization (ILO). In this context, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), in parallel with ISCO-08, has been sent to our country in order to ensure the international use of national occupational data, to provide a system for collecting and classifying information about occupations obtained from administrative records, censuses and other statistical researches. prepared a list of occupational classifications. In the publication, which also includes coded information about the factors related to the content of the job, such as vocational guidance and training, job placement services or the analysis of specific morbidity and mortality rates for a profession, and detailed job descriptions, Woodworking Industrial Engineering is classified with the "2141 Woodworking Industrial Engineering" Occupational Classification Code. included in the occupational classification. The list in question; It has been prepared in Word, Excel, pdf and xml formats and is accessible via the link given below.
//tuikapp.tuik.gov.tr/DIESS/SiniflamaSurumListeAction.do?turId=41&turAdi= 9. Occupational Classifications&guncel=Y

Within the scope of Let's Know the Professions studies carried out by the Turkish Employment Agency, a text introducing Woodworking Industrial Engineering has been prepared.
It can be accessed at //e-ogrenme.iskur.gov.tr/oyscontent/Courses/Course162/pdf/a/5.pdf.

The profession of Woodworking Industrial Engineering is also included in the special purpose guide prepared by the Ministry of National Education to guide students in choosing a profession. In the introductory text of Woodworking Industrial Engineering in the guide, regarding the profession; There are titles such as the Features Required by the Profession, Work Areas and Opportunities to Find a Job, Schools Where Vocational Education is Provided, Conditions for Entry to Vocational Education.

It can be accessed via the link //okulweb.meb.gov.tr/20/03/324355/rehberlik/meslekler/a/agac_isleri_endustri_muhendisi.htm.